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road excavation中文是什么意思

用"road excavation"造句"road excavation"怎么读"road excavation" in a sentence


  • 路基开挖


  • Monitoring of government road excavation works
  • Monitoring road excavation works
  • Nevertheless , sediment continues to pour down from the mountainside because of poorly planned road excavations
  • " the highways department has established a dedicated audit inspection team to ensure that road excavation works are properly carried out
  • It has been reported that since 1997 , the application procedure for road excavation permits ( eps ) has become increasingly complex and lengthy
  • " the intention of the amended ordinance is to strengthen the control on road excavations and to miminise delays and inconveniences to the public
  • The contractors are required to set out clearly the manpower arrangements in each stage of the road excavation works in their tenders for such works ; and
  • There are many factors which contribute to the uneven surface of precast paving slabs . this may be due to the heavy loading caused by illegal parking of vehicles on the footway ; improper construction methods and substandard reinstatement works after road excavation
用"road excavation"造句  
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